Of course then we played the hurry up and wait game! LOL...what youth contest does not give us a lesson in patience? The boys practiced what they would say to the judges. I prayed for them to do well and tried to calm down from the morning excitement.
When they called everyone up to be judged, I was told I could watch Edward. I thought it was so funny because Edward got so nervous that he forgot everything he practiced to say!!! He fidgeted and got through the judging in less than a minute without saying much of anything! Sweet boy! We will need to work on presentation skills for next time! But he did present his cream puffs and he was awarded a blue ribbon for his efforts. I told him next year would not be so easy as he would be judged like the others next time.
Henry was one of the last to be judged. That is what happens when your name is at the end of the alphabet. He only had one other person competing in his age group, so he had a 50/50 chance of going to auction. Although I was not allowed to staying the room when he was being judged, I could see him through the glass. I could tell that he was having a good presentation but noticed he fed the judges wax paper from the bottom of the cheesecake and he did not have on his glove! He confirmed this when he spoke to me later. He said that not putting on the glove might be the deciding factor. I think he knew at that point that he would need to try again another year. He was right...he proudly walked away with second place! However, I don't think he will ever forget to put on his glove and we will need to try harder to remove the wax paper from the bottom of the desert next year! A hard lesson to learn.
Tonight Sean made his macaroons and we will decorate in the morning. It will be an early morning as he needs to be at there by 8:30am. I am sure he will be excited and wake up extra early!
So...to be continued tomorrow with Sean showing his Creamy Coconut Macaroons and Henry will also be entering his washer game and a photo.
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